Online training seminar:

Building a digitally clean organisation

To whom is it aimed?

The modular course is meant for companies who:

  • Have digital waste reduction included in their strategy.

  • Are committed to reducing their CO2 emissions through their digital footprint.

  • Are motivated to educate their employees on the topic of digital waste.


Katerina Chantzi is an experienced sustainability educator and curriculum designer, passionately committed to making a positive impact on the world through interactive and action-oriented learning experiences.

In 2022, she was recognised as one of Euclid Network's Top 100 Women in Social Entrepreneurship, and has gained experience and insights through undertaking various roles in impact entrepreneurship, education, and community building across Europe and Africa.

With a focus on resilience, authenticity, and a determination to achieve tangible results, Katerina offers a dynamic, and action-oriented training that aims to inform, inspire, and address effectively the challenges of digital waste at an organisational level.

She strives to support change-makers in realising the positive impact they envision for the world, approaching it in a feasible, honest, and sustainable manner, benefiting themselves, their communities, and the world as a whole.

What will you learn?

The course consists of 5 modules, 1.5h each, delivered over a 5-week period.

Participants will have the opportunity to explore the following topics:

Module 1:  Digital minimalism and digital clutter in a nutshell

During this module, you will learn about different definitions and understand the principles of digital minimalism to declutter and organise your digital space effectively.

Module 2: Digital minimalism principle – Optimisation of files

During this module, you will dive into one of the main categories of digital waste – files – and you will learn ways to optimise your digital workspace and reduce digital clutter.

Module 3:  Digital minimalism principle – Inbox Zero

During this module, you will learn how to take control over your mailbox, thus reducing digital clutter, and enhancing productivity.

Module 4:  Digital devices and Internet

In this module, you will delve into understanding and defining your connection with your digital devices. You will discover strategies to harness their potential for enhancing your focus and productivity, as well as adopting sustainable practices and making informed decisions while using different platforms.

Module 5:  Communication and closing

Collaborate with your team to measure the impact of your actions, strategise for action against digital waste – as an individual, as an organisation, and as a community – and reflect on your course’s learning journey.

After course completion, you will have learned how to:

  • Develop a clear understanding of the definition of digital waste and its implications.

  • Incorporate digital waste into your organisation's culture and know how to develop strategic initiatives that minimise waste.

  • Manage effectively, and reduce, digital waste in professional and personal settings.

  • Adopt sustainable digital practices, including file organisation, email management, and utilisation of digital platforms and apps.

  • Create impactful campaigns to address digital waste within your organisation and/or community, together with your team.

  • Spread your knowledge and amplify your impact as a certified Digital Waste Ambassador.


After completing the course, and setting up the communication inside the organisation for keeping digital cleanliness, the company will be sent certification for being a ‘Digitally Clean Organisation’.

Every individual participant will receive a ‘Digital Waste Ambassador’ certificate. 

Ready to elevate your organisation's digital practices?

Connect with us today to begin your journey.